web 2.0

Thursday, August 26, 2010

6 Free Travel Icons

Not a few websites that use the theme of travel or tourism because of the many tourist attractions around the world, which allow the website owner to introduce tourist attractions in their place or their countries. If you plan to create a website related to travel or tourist areas, you may need an icon associated with that theme.

Here are some free icons for travel or tourism that could be used by website creator in creating travel or tourism themes and also for those who want to replace the old icons with new ones. Make sure you read the license provided for each icon.

Travel Icon Pack

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Free Background Twitter Website

Jejaring sosial twitter sekarang banyak digunakan setiap orang untuk sekedar berbagi berita, foto, video dan lainnya. bila anda merasa bosan dengan background twitter anda yang seperti itu saja dan ingin menggantinya dengan background yang sesuai dengan keinginan anda maka ini ada beberapa website yang menyediakan background twitter gratis yang dapat anda kunjungi. Ini 5 website yang dapat anda jadikan pilihan untuk mengganti background twitter anda.


Monday, August 9, 2010

25 Websites with an interesting illustration of cartoon characters

The use of cartoon characters illustrations in your website can make your website look different and unique. The use of interesting character illustrations can make your website look more live, and the most important thing website visitors can more remember your website. But of course, not all web designers can make illustration of interesting characters.

Here are beautiful websites with illustration of characters on it that make the website more lively and interesting. They place the character illustration in the right place and with a beautiful drawing, so the character looks appropriate on their websites.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The best 32 Simple and Minimalist Websites

Minimalist website design has become a popular trend lately. The minimum usage of charts and photos make the minimalist website opened more quickly and not burden the server. Many people assume that minimalist website design is boring. But we found some minimalist websites that have an attractive design. The following minimalist websites remain interesting to be seen although they're not using many graphics and photos.

They utilize typography and the empty areas precisely to produce an interesting website to look at. Here are 20 websites with a minimalist design that can be used as an inspiration. We also collected 12 minimalist websites with dark colors/ black which is interesting to look at.

Light Website

DM Stockholm

DM Stockholm