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Showing posts with label Freebies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freebies. Show all posts

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Free Chromonium PSD Business Template

Chromonium represents an interesting template that suitable for corporate profiles, business, portfolio, and so forth. This template has three soft color options; Blue, Green, and Red. We give you the .PSD version of this template for free.

Use the download link below to download the .PSD version of this template for free. You will get two layouts; Homepage and About Us page. Both have a blue color theme. If you want the HTML version of it, you can buy with price $ 22 and you'll get three different colors and nine different types of pages. You can also buy the Wordpress version for $37.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

6 Free Travel Icons

Not a few websites that use the theme of travel or tourism because of the many tourist attractions around the world, which allow the website owner to introduce tourist attractions in their place or their countries. If you plan to create a website related to travel or tourist areas, you may need an icon associated with that theme.

Here are some free icons for travel or tourism that could be used by website creator in creating travel or tourism themes and also for those who want to replace the old icons with new ones. Make sure you read the license provided for each icon.

Travel Icon Pack

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Free Background Twitter Website

Jejaring sosial twitter sekarang banyak digunakan setiap orang untuk sekedar berbagi berita, foto, video dan lainnya. bila anda merasa bosan dengan background twitter anda yang seperti itu saja dan ingin menggantinya dengan background yang sesuai dengan keinginan anda maka ini ada beberapa website yang menyediakan background twitter gratis yang dapat anda kunjungi. Ini 5 website yang dapat anda jadikan pilihan untuk mengganti background twitter anda.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Free PSD Restaurant Template

We will periodically provide a free template with PSD format for our website’s visitors. And for the first thing we'll provide "Green Resto Template" PSD for free. Always visit our website to get template PSD files for free, because we'll provide the template PSD for free from time to time.

This template is suitable for your restaurant or café. There are 2 .psd files that we provide for free; the front page (homepage), and restaurant menu pages. The .psd file is organized using layers and folders making it easier for you if you want to modify it. If you want more, you can buy the HTML version.

Green and Dark Restaurant Template

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

18 High quality Free Social Network Icons

With more and more social networking media such as facebook, twitter, delicious, etc which make it easy for everyone to exchange information each other including exchanging information like news, share photos and video become much easier. Therefore it is very important for website owner to provide link to the social networking site and for the web designers here is 18 High Quality Free Social Networking Icons that can be used during the website development or whosoever wants to change the old website’s icon with the new one.

Most of these icons are free and can be used for personal or commercial projects, but it will be better if you check the license of each icon on their respective websites.

Brown Social Icon Pack

Brown Social Icon Pack

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Best Free Flash Templates










